

The Last Day’s

What do I do know?

A Road Less Traveled


What Have You Been Given?

What Is Growing In Your Life?


Faith is Not a Mental Exercise .

Discouraged or Lack Hope?

There is a Answer!


Don't Live in Defeat!.

4 Powerful Truths -Have Thanks In Everything!



Is Following Jesus Like What You Expected?.


El Elyon.

Is God really working behind the scenes, can He be trusted to accomplish what he has said that he will do? Today just like thousands of years ago this question is being asked. We must see God as El Elyon!


A Anchor For Your Soul Today.

Psalms 42 provide a key to us on how to have a hope and future in the midst of a world in chaos.

Not Made For That.

What are you made for? Let’s look at what the prophetic word of God says about us.


People Are Depending Upon You in The Storm.

3 important keys to being a person that others can depend upon in life’s storms!


How-To Live-In Babylon.

How do you live with the truth of God in a time and culture that does not want anything to do with Him?

What Are You Going To Do?

We all must make a decision!


Limited Scope Limited Vision.

Jesus wants you to have a correct vision!

What Is Your Highest Priority?

When you wake up in the morning what is the most important thing on your mind?


A New Kingdom Orientation.

What your life is orientated towards matters!

What Will You Do?

America is at a crossroad where a person will have to make a choice on how they stand?


Be Counter Natural.

In this teaching we learn that there are 3 counter natural values that will change everything in your life. Our world does not operate by these values and we see the outcome of chaos, pain, disappointment, hurt and so much other destruction because of this.


It Was All Assured.

God knew every detail of how and when Jesus would arrive. He said what would happen and how it would happen and then He made it happen. He can do this in your life. Guest speaker George Humley


Is Your Heart Ready?

In this video teaching we learn from Luke 3 life lessons for having a heart ready for God to move in tough times.

Are You Certain?

In a world that seems to be searching for the perfect answer to the chaos around them - are you certain of what you believe? We begin a series on the study of Luke, he will help you be certain of what the life of Jesus means for us in this time and season.


Who is Jesus?

Paul wrote the letter that is described as the Switzerland of the New Testament. In the first two verses of this letter he tells us who Jesus is to those that choose to believe in Him..


How Is Your Heart?

What does your heart say about you. Is the desire for God louder than the desire for the world?


Battles and Blessings

3 important things to remember about Battles and Blessings


The One Thing We Must Have!

Today there is one thing that we must have to be strong and courageous with joy and peace in our lives!

3 Questions To Ask Yourself.

These are tough questions, yet they are so important to ask ourselves during tough times and good times. How about you ?

Hold On - Don’t Let Go

There are 4 areas of our life that we must not let go of during difficult and unsure time. God will work all things out for His good.